Sunday 9 February 2014

2013 Year In Review Tag

Who doesn't love a good tag post every now and then? It's definitely a fab way to connect with new bloggers. I've been nominated by Nicole from the lovely Life  Of A Trainee Journalist which I really recommend you visit.  In terms of rules for this tag you simply need to link back and thank the blogger that  tagged you, answer the following questions and tag at least five other bloggers, not forgetting to include the badge in your post!

1. Your top five favourite blogs to read in 2013
I came across so many great blogs last year, extending my bloglovin feed massively! So there are loads I'd love to share with you but if I have to narrow it down then it would have to be...
3. Name one blog you wish you had found sooner
Trends with benefits - I found about this blog in last years Company Magazine blog awards article as they were best crafting blog winners! I personally love to get crafty every now and then and their blog contains so many inspirational DIY ideas I wish I had discovered them sooner! They have 3 writers so their blog is updated regularly leaving you spoilt for choice with crafty tasks. I really reccomend you pay them a visit!

4. Your favourite blog post of 2013
One of things I like most about blogging is that it's great to log memories, one of my earlier posts from last year was about my experience at Paris Fashion Week, and what an amazing experience it was. As a Fashion student I was in my element so I loved being able to photograph so much gorgeous fashion and being able to share it on my blog.

5. What would you like to improve (if anything) on your blog this year?
I love my blog for the fact its a space to share my views with the whole blogosphere on things I'm passionate about. However I'm a busy bee and would love to be able to blog more often and perhaps spend some quality time on creating a new blog design some time soon!

6. Name one blog you have a blog crush on
Milk Bubble Tea, I am so in love with her quaint blog design, she takes the most gorgoeus photographs and writes about everything I want to read with a good range of fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Plus I'm a sucker for dogs and she has the most adorable puppy ever its worth just visiting her blog to awe at him! Milk Bubble Tea was also a winner in last years Company blog awards, very worthy indeed!

7. How often do you post?
About once a week, as said above I would love to do so more often if I had the time but I always have ideas at the ready so a week provides me with a good time put together each post.

8. Share your first post of 2013
My first post of the year was a Knitting for begginers post as I was going through a knitting craze at the time making scarves galore so I decided to make a few tutorials! I'd like to feature some more crafty tutorials this year so if you're into craft, stay tuned!

9. Name one thing you'd be doing if you weren't typing this post right now
It's a Sunday evening so most likely, drinking a milky cuppa and having some sort of film marathon, last week it was Batman. So today maybe I'll start on Lord Of The Rings tonight? (I'm a fantasy nerd at heart).

10. What have you loved the most about blogging this year?
2013 was the year I set up According To Ellie so I have loved seeing my blog grow and immersing myself in the blogosphere enabling me to connect with so many other wonderful bloggers! Fingers crossed for another great year in blogging.

The people I would like to nominate to do this are...


  1. Nice post! I think the only blog I'd heard of before seeing it was Ro's Tinted (which is great & actually how I found your blog haha :)!) so thanks for the other suggestions!
    Also, just watched all of the LOTR movies in about a week over the holiday season - definitely a good pick for your next movie marathon! ;)

    Cachoo Joo

  2. Thank you and you are welcome!
    I'm with you on that, I love lord of the rings!

    Ellie x
