Thursday 30 October 2014

A spooky treat!

To those of you who follow my blog will know on festive occasions such as Easter and in this case Halloween, I like to get my baking hat on! So just in time for the big day tomorrow you can still have fun making these scarily good treats (I apologies for that awful pun) with the kids, or like me alone with your 20 year old self! So what am I making you ask? Well having browsed the internet to get some inspiration I found a fab recipe which i have adapted to make the below, frozen banana ghosts! I decided to make them on the slightly less scary side as they turned out to be the cutest little bananas ever. So if I tempted you enough to make these yourself heres how...

You will need:

3 chunky bananas (or if you can find them in the supermarket a bunch of mini bananas will work well too)
150 grams of melted white chocolate 
100-200g of dried coconut shavings
And a handful of milk chocolate chips
Lolly sticks or blunt ended skewers

To start making your banana ghosts you will need to melt the white chocolate in a bowl over or pan, or the microwave. TIP: If you are using a microwave heat at a high heat but in short bursts to ensure it hasn't burnt! Once melted put aside to cool whilst you prep the fruit.
Next, peel your bananas and  cut in half so you have 6 portions but if you are using mini bananas leave whole. Gently push a lolly stick or skewer half way up the banana, try not to do what I did and poke a whole through your banana on the first go!
You then need to prep a large baking tray, lay a sheet of grease proof paper on it so your bananas dont stick. Make sure your tray can fit in your freezer.
Return to your melted chocolate and using  a pasty brush begin to coat the flat side with a layer of the white chocolate, do this for all 6 halves. 
Now to start with the coconut coating, this was my favourite part! Sprinkle your coconut onto a plate big enough to dip the banana in. You will fin you might not use all the coconut however I found it easier to coat the bananas with more coconut to play with! Once you have coated the chocolate covered half, just repeat the process again coating the other half in chocolate and covering with the coconut. NOTE: If you have any melted white chocolate remaining, lick off spoon now.
Your bananas are now ready to be tunred into proper ghosts as it is decorating time, use your milk chocolate chips to create whatever faces you like! Once you feel you have finished decorating, line your bananas on the tray and place them in the freezer.
If you are patient enough to wait 4 hours for your banana ghosts this is the recomemnded time to freeze them for, and not that mine would last that long you can freeze them for up to a week. For your bananaas to be as fangtastic as they can possibly be, try leave them in the freezer for the allocated time, wait and enjoy!

 HOW CUTE IS MY MUNCHKIN PUMPKIN (this is just for show by the way!)

I hope you have been inspired to make some treats of your own, I look forward to sharing with you my next festive creation!

Happy Halloween!



  1. Ah! This is so simple and still looks so cute!! If only I wasn't allergic to bananas I would spend the afternoon making some of these...

    xx, Be || lovefrombe

    1. Oh Be what a shame!! Maybe try it with a different fruit? :)
      Happy halloween,

      Ellie xx
