Thursday 9 January 2014

Hello 2014

Until today I haven't had the time to properly introduce myself to the New Year, how quick did that come around?! I hope you've all had a wonderful time celebrating the year so far, for me it's been almost as hectic as Christmas making sure I spent as much times as possible with the people I love before heading back to uni. I keep saying uni to myself but as part of my degree this year I go on an industrial placement so as of Monday I am officially a full time working girl until January 2015! Most excitingly, in a few months time I will be taking a big step to LONDON to carry out some work experience and with some incredible designers. I feel very lucky but at the same time petrified to have this experience so fingers crossed all goes well!
And I know we all give up on them after a few weeks but this year I have picked a very realistic New Years resolution so I have no excuses if I fail! It was in January last year that my Granddad past away and when he did we found all these diaries he had kept since way back when, writing something down everyday, even if it was just the weather. It was lovely to read his entries and it is such a nice memory to have of him so as a result I am taking a leaf out of his book and have bought a gorgeous new Paperchase diary and started one myself!
Day to a page diary, Paperchase £12.00
Do you have any exciting plans for the new year?
What is your new years resolution?



  1. That's such a sweet resolution and a really good idea!

    Char x

  2. Thank you I hope I keep it up!

    Thanks for your comment Charlotte :)

