Thursday 14 November 2013

Isabel Marant for H&M: My Outfit Picks

The day has finally arrived for the release of the Isabel Marant collection for H&M! It was like waiting to buy tickets for a concert the webpage was so busy this morning at 9am with queuing pages that made the wait even more tense. But I eventually got there to see what was pieces were on offer, as Isabel Marant is very well known for her knit wear I had my hopes up for a gorgeous chunky jumper to get my hands on time, and I certainly wasn't disappointed. There was a lot more clothing than I expected with a great range of garments and accessories, with almost every item having some exciting print, knit, or embellishment that would make it a statement in any outfit. After passing on the details to my mum of what jumper I wanted on my Christmas list I decided to put together some outfit combinations with some of the garments available in the collection, all a tad over my budget, but a girl can dream!

1. Loop knit jumper (as hopefully to be seen under my Christmas tree) £69.99, Waxed slim fit jeans £69.99.
2. Girls knit Jumper (biggest size fits size 8) £34.99, Peplum skirt (not Isabel Marant just regular H&M) £.19.99, Suede and leather fringed boots £149.99.
3. Wool coat £99.99, Mens patterned top £29.99, Embroidered slim fit jeans £59.99.
4. Embroidered jacket £199.99, Waxed slim fit jeans £69.99, Court shoes with metal bead £99.99.
Unfortunately but not unexpectedly, some of the stock has already sold out online so it's probably best visiting your nearest H&M asap to see whats in store.

Have you bought anything from the collection?
What do you think of it?
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  1. They are all lovely - I love the textured feel of the collection. Out of these four, my favourite is no 1, the jumper is simply amazing! Xx

  2. Mine too! Thank you for reading :)

  3. Hey sweetie :) I've nominated you as one of my 11 'Sunshine Award' nominees, celebrating bloggers "who are positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere" :) check out the rules over at my blog: and hope to see your answers soon :)
    Keep in touch!

    1. Hi, Andrea, thank you for your lovely comment :)
      I look forward to taking part in the Sunshine Award!
      Ellie xx
